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Alejandro Catalá / Lexical Alignment and Understanding
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated -
Michele Cafagna / vl-shap-demo
Apache License 2.0Gradio demo showcasing VL-SHAP. You can generate visually informed explanations of textual outputs for VL models
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Michele Cafagna / vl-shap
Apache License 2.0[Frontiers in AI Journal] Implementation of the paper "Interpreting Vision and Language Generative Models with Semantic Visual Priors"
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Michele Cafagna / vl-ablation
Apache License 2.0Targeted semantic multimodal input ablation. Official implementation of the ablation method introduced in the paper: "What Vision-Language Models 'See' when they See Scenes"
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Michele Cafagna / HL-dataset
Apache License 2.0[INLG2023] The High-Level (HL) dataset is a Vision and Language (V&L) resource aligning object-centric descriptions from COCO with high-level descriptions crowdsourced along 3 axes: scene, action, rationale.
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Eduardo Calò / LoLa
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Juliette Faille / Entity-based Semantic Adequacy
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Jaime Sevilla / ExplainBN
MIT LicenseOpen source tool to generate explanations of PGMPy Bayesian Networks